We report results from an intensive campaign of multiwavelength observations of the intermediate-frequency-peaked BL Lacertae object W Com (z=0.102) during a strong outburst of very high energy (VHE; E > 180 GeV) gamma-ray emission in June 2008. The initial detection of this VHE flare by VERITAS, an array of four 12-m diameter imaging atmospheric-Cherenkov telescopes, was followed by observations in high-energy gamma rays (AGILE, E > 100 MeV), X-rays (Swift), optical and radio wavelengths. The VHE gamma-ray signal was detected by VERITAS on June 7-8 with a flux about three times brighter than during the discovery of VHE gamma-ray emission from W Com by VERITAS in March 2008. A detailed study of the spectral energy distribution of W Com during this flare, including theoretical work, will be presented.