The VERITAS M82 result (see here) was widely noted in the scientific press:
- in the Astrowatch section of the December 2009 edition of CERN Courier
- in the November 30, 2009 edition of , the online publication of the American Institute of Physics
- in a press release
- in a Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) press release
CERN Courier story here. story here. story here .
CfA (Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics) press release here .
VERITAS' Astronomers' Telegram on 1ES0532+675 (see here) was featured recently in a New Scientist article (02 December 2009) about the extragalactic infrared background light.
New Scientist story here .
This image is from TeVCat , an online, interactive catalog for very-high-energy (VHE; E > 50 GeV) gamma-ray astronomy developed by our very own Deirdre Horan and Scott Wakely. As VHE astronomy continues to grow, the usefulness of a one-stop clearing house for information on new sources is increasingly evident. TeVCat is intended to be such a resource. With sky maps, scientific information, visibility plotters and linked references, it will help the wider gamma-ray community stay up-to-date and informed on this exciting and rapidly developing field. You can find TeVCat at .
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