Reference: S. Archambault et al. (The VERITAS Collaboration), Astrophysical Journal 836: 23, 2017
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ArXiv: ArXiV:1701.06740
Contacts: Nahee Park
In 1912, Victor Hess discovered that there is highly penetrating radiation coming from outside of the Earth. This "radiation" was later found to be mostly high energy nuclei coming from outside of the solar system. Named "cosmic-rays," the energy range of these particles spans over 12 orders of magnitudes and reaches to energies that humans cannot generate. Because these are bare nuclei, stripped of their electrons, they are charged particles. As a result, they cannot travel straight from their source to the Earth due to the Galactic magnetic field. Finding the origin of these particles and how they get their energies have been major questions for over a hundred years. Supernova remnants (SNRs), remnants of the deaths of massive stars, have been suggested to be the main accelerators of cosmic rays up to 1015 eV, which is about 500 trillion times higher than the energy of light we can see with human eyes. Observing these objects with high-energy gamma rays can provide a unique perspective for the study of cosmic-ray acceleration, such as how high in energy these particles can be accelerated in the remnant. Tycho's SNR is a particularly good target because it is a young, type Ia SNR that is well studied over a wide range of energies and located in a relatively clean environment.
VERITAS detected gamma-ray emission from Tycho's SNR above 1012 eV. Fermi-LAT detected Tycho's SNR in the 109 eV energy range as well. Since the detection of gamma-ray emission from Tycho's SNR by VERITAS and Fermi-LAT, there have been several theoretical models proposed to explain its broadband emission and high-energy morphology.
We report on an update to the gamma-ray measurements of Tycho's SNR with 147 hours of VERITAS and 84 months of Fermi-LAT observations, which represents about a factor of two increase in exposure over previously published data. About half of the VERITAS data benefited from a camera upgrade, which has made it possible to extend the TeV measurements toward lower energies. The TeV spectral index measured by VERITAS is consistent with previous results, but the expanded energy range softens a straight power-law fit. At energies higher than 400 GeV, the power-law index is 2.92 ± 0.42 (stat) ± 0.20 (sys). It is also softer than the spectral index in the GeV energy range, 2.14 ± 0.09 (stat) ± 0.02 (sys), measured by this study using Fermi--LAT data. The centroid position of the gamma-ray emission is coincident with the center of the remnant, as well as with the centroid measurement of Fermi--LAT above 1 GeV. The results are consistent with an SNR shell origin of the emission, as many models assume. The updated spectrum points to a lower maximum particle energy than has been suggested previously.
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